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IoT Solution

Do you wanto to install "IoT" into your work place?
Do you have a problem regards to IoT preparation?
We, TOHO, can provide effective IoT solution in order to meet your needs at any work place.
At first, please check below our IoT solution progress.

IoT progress -1

All you need to do first is to collect all related data you want to control at your work place.
Our FA system can help you to start for your IoT preparation.
Heres are popular example among our system products.
There are several categories based on your IoT needs.
Please check what you want to know with below.

Visualize all data what you want to control by collecting related infomation from each work place

​> Prod. control from wide range of point of view at anytime

  • Real-time control of Plan - Actual Qty

  • Downtime control at each machine


​> Energy consumption monitoring at Factory

  • Electric

  • ​Air (Compressor)


TOHO's FA system

If you already have specific demand at your work place, 
you can check below our FA system products for your fresh idea.

IoT progress -2

After collecting data you want at each process individually,
then next step is to sum up all the data and analyze them.
IoT step-2.png
We also offer several "Managing systems" to control and organise individual FA systems that you have installed at your work place
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